Helping You Make Speech Therapy Meaningful

Speech, Language, and Cognitive Skills Therapy for Children and Adults

In-person in Chesapeake and Online throughout Virginia

Beckman Oral Motor Protocol (BOMP) Certified 


Lily faced a unique challenge: she had a speech impediment that made it difficult for her to express herself clearly.

Frustration gripped her when she stumbled over certain sounds, and doubt crept into her mind. She longed to express herself effortlessly, just like the characters in the books she loved.

Lily had difficulty talking to others and understanding what was being said. She had lost all confidence in her ability to communicate, and when she tried to talk, she felt shy and uncomfortable.

In therapy, we shared stories of famous authors and public speakers who overcame similar challenges, emphasizing that everyone’s journey was different.

With renewed determination, Lily approached her speech therapy sessions with greater enthusiasm and resilience.


Alex experienced a life-altering head injury during a recent automobile accident.

The impact left him with multiple injuries, including a head injury that affected his ability to speak. Alex’s world, once filled with the sounds of laughter and conversation, suddenly turned silent.

Since then, he’s had trouble organizing his thoughts and maintaining basic responsibilities. His relationship with his family and friends has become strained and troublesome.

Determined to help him regain his voice, Alex’s family sought the assistance of speech therapy. 

Therapy targeted various exercises and techniques designed to improve his speech and restore his communication and cognition. 

With each therapy session, his speech became clearer and more confident. The silent gaps that had once filled his conversations were gradually replaced with the sound of his voice.

Mary was very troubled by the sound R.

She was a bright and enthusiastic child who loved to explore the world around her.

Every time she tried to say words like “rabbit” or “roar,” it would come out as “wabbit” or “woar.”

Mary’s classmates didn’t understand her speech challenge and would often giggle or correct her. Though she tried her best to ignore their comments, it was disheartening for her.

Therapy became fun and motivating by turning speech into adventures through games like “R Treasure Hunt,” tongue twisters, scripting talking on the phone with friends and using silly phrases to help her exercise her mouth muscles and get accustomed to the feeling of producing the “R” sound.

With newfound courage, Mary’s speech confidence soared.

Mike suffered an AVM rupture stroke and lost his ability to speak.

In addition to no longer being able to work or drive, he felt like his independence had been stripped away.

He was able to understand what everyone was saying, but when he tried to reply, the words came out disconnected and jumbled. He would bang the table or twist his head in sadness and frustration, trying desperately to communicate.

It was as though he was trapped inside himself.

It’s time to get the help you need.

No matter what you’ve experienced, there is always hope.

If you’re worried about your or your loved one’s speech,
language, or cognitive skills, support is available.

You don’t have to do this alone.

*All these stories are composites based on the typical clients that I have helped.


Lily’s mom reached out to me, and we worked to restore her confidence in herself and reclaim the joy she had lost. Lily approached her speech therapy sessions with greater enthusiasm and we had fun with games that turned speech exercises into playful adventures. .


Alex and I worked together to regain some of the autonomy the injury had taken from him and help him realize that he still has plenty to offer his family. He even got a part-time job to practice his skills.


Mary got in touch with me and soon began to see improvements in her speech. She began to feel hopeful for her future and like a better life was possible.


Mike’s family knew his road to recovery was long, but they wanted to see him through it. They reached out to me, and together, we helped him develop new methods of communication.

No matter what you’ve been told, there is hope.

Even if you’ve had therapy before…
Even if it’s “mild”…

Even if you’ve been told you’ve “plateaued” or are at “maximum potential.”

Hi, I’m Michelle.

As a homeschool mom with a passion for making speech therapy meaningful, I am dedicated to assisting others in this rewarding journey. I offer my expertise to fellow parents and caregivers, ensuring that speech therapy becomes an engaging and impactful experience.

My mission is to create an environment that fosters meaningful communication, language and cognition skills empowering you or your child to reach their full potential.

I have seen patients after years of giving up on speech therapy make massive strides forward. I have seen the brain change if you give it the right tools and mechanisms that promote new pathways and healing.

As your therapist, I offer you those tools, strategies, and interventions focusing on functional therapy that is essential to your everyday life and goals.

We work as a team, showing up on days that are both daunting and great. We celebrate together those small steps and large wins that prove your speeding forward toward success!

Therapy isn’t meant to be easy. Here, we actively work to make the changes and improvements you want to see.

As a result, my patients and families experience better relationships, stronger communication and cognitive skills, higher self-confidence, and renewed excitement about their lives.

You are more powerful than you know.

Inside of you is the strength and courage to do incredible things.

Don’t let the judgments of others limit your own potential.

Start living the life you deserve.

“My husband has multiple speech impairments caused by a stroke several years ago. Michelle… is incredibly patient with him, cheers him on for every accomplishment, encourages him when he is hard on himself… In just a year, my husband’s conversational abilities have improved tremendously. “

– Amanda DeMaar

“Michelle is the BEST. She has been treating my son who has speech difficulties due to a brain injury. She is personable, talented, creative, and treats her patients as individuals, getting to know them and what motivates them to personalize treatment and maximize outcomes.”

– Michele C.

“Michelle is a miracle worker!! When my son was 2 years old, we noticed speech difficulty. We were told by multiple specialists that it was just a problem with his brain misfiring… Fast forward…He is 15 now.. in less than 15 mins with my son she was able to pinpoint exactly what his needs are and start a plan. I am so incredibly grateful, [and] blessed to find her!!!”❤️❤️
– Maria

“Michelle is extremely knowledgeable and skilled as a Speech Language Pathologist. She helped my daughter conquer her speech problems with ease. She is very reasonably priced and easy to work with. I highly recommend Michelle Rusk as your go-to speech therapist!”
– Rebecca M.